The Brain Series : 6 Herbs to Help Your Brain Function

We have heard so much in the news about how brain disease is ruining lives. Many times our loved ones are ‘gone’ too soon even if they are still living. In this 3 part blog series, we will discuss how Chinese Medicine can help you prevent dibilitation brain disease with easy tips and tricks.

A good practitioner or Doctor of Chinese Medicine can often see a problem before it manifests into full blown disease. When using Chinese medicine, one foggy-headed individual may require a different protocol than another with the same problem. Solutions are always based on the person and their constitution, NOT the problem or symptoms. Therefore, it’s important to understand not only the issue, but the person behind the issue. In this way, Chinese medicine can be used for prevention. Acupuncture literally activates the brain; as few as five or six treatments may be all you need to increase focus.

Each person’s Dementia or Alzheimer’s may have different root causes - each pointing to a different acupuncture protocol or herbal formula. This is why a proper Chinese Medicine diagnosis is so important.

It appears that a combination of modern drugs, life-style changes and ancient herbs are key to confronting brain issues. Several widely used Chinese Herbal formulas today that support vital brain function include:

Benefit the Intelligence Seed (Yi Zhi Ren): Commonly known as Black Cardamon Seed. A Kidney tonic used for recall and memory. Its known to increase Dopamine and lower inflammation in the hippocampus where memories are formed. It also helps decrease frequent urination!

Cerebral Tonic/Healthy Brain Pills (Bu Nao Wan/Jian Nao Wan): Common formula used for memory problems related to weakness in the Kidney and Heart systems (known as Shao Yin). Several herbs in the formula have been used for hundreds of years to calm the mind and help with focus.

Heart Supporting Decoction (Yang Xin Tang): Used when a person is weak, thin and struggling to get adequate nutrition. This formula supports the gut/digestion. 

Restore the Spleen Tea (Gui Pi Tang): A gut and heart formula commonly given to patients for whom anxiety or over-thinking leads them to memory problems. This is known as the student formula since its often used at exam time. 

Ginseng, Poria and Atractylodis Pill (Shen Ling Bai Zhu Wan): A gut formula for those that suffer from cloudy mind due to poor fluid metabolism including diarrhea. 

Six Flavor Tea Pills (Liu Wei Di Huang Wan): This formula is used to support the Kidney system and has actually been shown to keep brain cells alive longer and prevent the build-up of plaques which can destroy brain cells. 

Remember to consult your Dr. or practitioner because every body is different and one size DOES NOT fit all.


The Brain Series : Your Brain Connected to All.


Your Body & Emotions, Are They Connected?